Reinventing Farming

We’re reclaiming degraded farmland to revert climate change,
empower farming communities, and grow food forever

A blueprint for global regeneration

In 2022 we’ll start the first Nangu Farm in Costa Rica. The farm will provide 100+ rural families with access to land and an abundant livelihood.

It will create a functioning economic ecosystem providing wonderful regenerative products to local, national, and international food markets. While at the same time capturing tons of CO2 and having a measurable impact on climate change.

Want to know more?
View of the degraded land of the farm in Costa Rica

Nangu is the testing ground for a scalable, open-source model to convert degraded farms into lush food forests

  • We’re starting the first Nangu Farm in Costa Rica on a 224ha farm. For the most part, it currently grows 3 mono-crops: coffee, cattle, and sugar cane.
  • The land will be converted into a network of small family farms, processing infrastructure, and support facilites. The farm will also have an education and cultural center, a marketplace and conservation areas open to clients and visitors.
  • Crops from regenerative agriculture will be processed on-site and products distributed to local and international eco-ethical markets.
  • In year one, 9 families will start a three-year learning journey on regenerative agriculture with all expenses covered. Every year new apprentices will join and according to our roadmap by year 7, 100+ rural families will regain access to an abundant livelihood.
  • We are building a blueprint for global regeneration and are open-sourcing all the knowledge we create in the process.

Introducing Nangu NFTrees

A unique generative collection of NFTs.

Each piece will be a unique computer-generated tree that symbolizes your support to rural families and regenerating food forests.

Want to know more?

Nangu NFTrees will fund

  • A three-year learning journey for families to establish and live off a productive food forest.
  • Land, infrastructure, tools, plant material, food processing & distribution facilities.
  • An A-Team of passionate regen-trepreneurs to oversee and co-create a functioning economic venture that brings abundance for all participants.
  • 6% of the sales will pay for the creation of the NFTree and 94% will go directly to the farm.

As the owner of a Nangu NFTree, you will get

Membership to the Nangu Farm DAO:

  • Take part in decision-making on certain aspects of nangu
  • Connect to like minded people and benefit from the digital community activities. (Meet ups, Town Halls, Special Guests Interviews and Think Tanks)
  • A unique art piece to recognize you contribution to a regenerative future.
  • The coordinates of a real tree planted and named after you, the first time buyer.

Not yet into NFTs?

There’s this really fun article that explains it all! Or dive into the nangu hub to learn more.
You can also follow our step by step guide on how to set up a wallet (in case you need one) and buy our NFTree.

Join the agricultural revolution

You can have a great impact from the comfort of your home by acquiring our collectible NFTree. Having a real impact in the lives of 100+ families and the creation of a blueprint for community-driven regeneration.

Want to know more?

What do you want your legacy to be?

Together we can

  • EMPOWER farming communities
  • REGENERATE degraded land
  • REVERT global warming
  • GROW food forever


We have laid the foundation so that we can establish the first farm. Check out our roadmap, to get an idea of what is next.

We are open-sourcing a lot of our work and sharing our processes, ideas and implementations on the Nangu Hub.

Want to know more?


  • Nangu Whitepaper
  • Development of Nangu Hub
  • Scouting of land
  • Fundraising for the initial land purchase
  • Incorporate the “Nangu Soul Cooperative” in The Netherlands
  • Identify initial 9 families to onboard to Nangu
  • Identify initial purchasing partners


  • Incorporate a subsidiary of Nangu Soul Coop in Costa Rica
  • Launch Nangu NFT(ree)s
  • Signature of the land purchase agreement with the current owners


  • Start the regeneration of the first model farm (4Ha)
  • Soil preparation
  • Purchase of tooling and machinery
  • Tree & herbs planting


  • Finalize Processing partnerships
  • Product development
  • Initial sales in local markets

Come in and get involved